I just realized I can have the following extension method:
1: public static class StringExtensions
2: {
3: public static bool HasContent(this string self)
4: {
5: return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(self);
6: }
7: }
And then use it like this:
1: [TestFixture]
2: public class StringExtensionMethodsTest
3: {
4: [Test]
5: [Category("Unit")]
6: public void TestStringHasContentWorksForNullStrings()
7: {
8: string s = null;
9: Assert.IsFalse(s.HasContent());
10: }
12: [Test]
13: [Category("Unit")]
14: public void TestStringHasContentWorksForEmptyStrings()
15: {
16: string s = "";
17: Assert.IsFalse(s.HasContent());
18: }
20: [Test]
21: [Category("Unit")]
22: public void TestStringHasContentWorksForStringsWithContent()
23: {
24: string s = "content";
25: Assert.IsTrue(s.HasContent());
26: }
27: }
The interesting part is that a method call on a null object for an extension method works, which allows for the s.HasContent() idiom, instead of string.HasContent(s).
My question is the following: is relying on such “detail” good, in the way that it allows for less line noise and cleaner code, or bad for violating the idea that you can call a method on a null object and not get an exception?
I’d love to hear opinions on this.
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